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發布時間:2014-07-07 訪問次數:613


76號上午八點一刻是美國北卡羅納大學Tushar Ghosh教授在此次暑期學校的最後一節課,同學們聽得格外認真,教授的高談闊論🎽,不禁讓同學們產生崇拜,上課結束後,同學們與Tushar Ghosh教授合影留念🏂🏿。隨後是Renzo Shamey教授的兩大節課🥌,講述了XYZ系統,讓同學們有了深入的了解。

下午一點一刻👨‍👧‍👧,仍然是Renzo Shamey教授給大家上課,教授精力充沛,神采飛揚的給同學們講課🙆🏼🧑🏽‍🎨,並在課下詢問同學們的理解情況。Paul Wambua教授的講解也是精彩絕倫,給同學們講述了環境友好型復合材料的各種知識,上課結束後,同學們與Paul Wambua教授合影留念🤌🏼。

At 8:15 on July 6 this wasTushar Ghosh, a professor at the University of North Carolina last summer school class, the students listened particularly carefully, professor was harangued, so that students could not help producing worship, after the class, the students took pictures with Professor Tushar Ghosh. Next two lessons Professor Renzo Shamey talked about the XYZ system, so that students had a deeper understanding.

Quarter past one p.m., still a professor Renzo Shamey lectured to students, Professor lectured to the students with energetic, high spirits and asked the students in the class to understand the situation. Professor Paul Wambua explanation was also fantastic, he gave the students knowledge about the variety of environment-friendly composite material, by the end of the class, the students took pictures with Professor Paul Wambua.




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